Few Thoughts on Global Liberalism
Background: Alberta has oil. Low quality, but still economically viable. However Alberta is landlocked. Without a pipeline, the oil is worth less than what it really is. So, Alberta asked for a pipeline to be built and connected to the US. US is incidentally the largest market for their crude. However this oil extraction has seen strong opposition by the domestic and US based environmental groups. Alberta doesn't have any other big industry. What went on: in a see saw of decisions and political posturing, Trump signed an agreement allowing the construction of a pipeline from Alberta to USA. This is despite Canadians spitting on him on a daily basis. There is a good reason why the oil patch saw good support for Trump even after impeachment. One of the first acts of Biden govt was to use an Exec Order to cancel the project. It nullifies what Trump had signed .. this is no different from what Mulayam Singh Yadav and Mayawati would do in UP.
What is interesting is the Canadian Federal govt response: it was no secret that the current Federal government has a visceral dislike for "dirty" industries. They have tried in many ways to directly scuttle the Canadian oil industry. However, one would imagine that a sovereign would actually put its economic interests over rhetoric. Oil is one of Canada's critical / strategic resources. Yet the Woke Libs are actively destroying the industry. Similarly on manufacturing, Canada is keen on outsourcing than to make it in house (and for the same reasons of it being dirty). Of course, they aren't as disdainful of manufacturing as they are of oil. However their policies on the wages front (and their push towards UBI) are going to sound a death knell for competitive manufacturing. Given all these pushes and pulls, and that the Canadian economy is facing a steep climb up the economic recovery curve, one would expect pragmatism at a critical moment and iron out ideological differences within the same nation state. That isn't happening. Instead what is going on is a placement of ideological interests over and above sovereign fealty. I had thought of this as a mere possibility late into the tenure of swarna-kapi. The concept of spiting the de jure leader of your biggest ally would have been a big no no in the world of geopolitics. However that decorum was given a pass in favor of anti-trump sentiments. In a sense Canada behaved like the 51st state of United States. One of the wokest and most Liberal states. It went so far as to court China to spite Trump. Now, they do the exact opposite - of spiting their own citizens to woo a openly woke US establishment. Amidst all of this, the trend is clear. Patriotism is a thing of the past in the liberal world. Meta nations - or ideological entities sans physical borders are the in thing. You will be supported as far as there is visible ideological alignment today. Your strategic interests and hidden agendas don't matter. For some reason people have bought into this under the garb of global citizenry. But it isn't. It is something more sinister: it is ideological citizenry. If your change your value system tomorrow, you will be hounded and thrown out. Deplatforming is the least of the problems - think disenfranchisement. Non Islamic Conservatives who put their traditional notions of land and culture are at a distinct disadvantage in this scheme of things. In a typical country, these are anywhere between 10s of millions to a 100million (except India), versus almost the 2.0 billion+ across the globe (global Ummah + liberals). The pressure is unprecedented on conservatives. This is going to play out again and again in every nation state in the West. Think of them as being the most connected people in the globe. It is easy to create group think. For some reason, the global left has perfect ideological alignment with China and the Ummah. I see it as a common interest between three totalitarian ideologies. Hence the synergy. Once conservatives are wiped out of economic existence, there will be war for supremacy.
//End of rant.
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